
Saturday, November 10, 2007

December 7, 2008
The big three. GM, Ford, and Chrysler, have all been a staple of America since there advent. However, for how much longer will they remain so? It seems as if three of the companies that our culture is based on may not be here much longer without the help of the government. Who really should take the blame for their near demise? I honestly feel that the company is at fault, not the consumer. Can you really blame Americans for buying cars made in other countries? Take Japan for example. Japanese cars are higher quality, can be delivered at a cheaper price, and with a much better warranty. You cannot tell people to buy an American made car if they can buy something Japanese with a much better deal. Besides Toyota has factories in the U.S., so in a way, you are still funding Americans. I think in the past who knows how many years, the auto companies have lost their competitive edge. They may have lost touch with the common person.



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